100 W. Oxford St., Suite E-1200
Philadelphia, PA 19122
Malia Gilbert Neal
General Inquires:
ArtWell is a non-sectarian organization that fosters creativity and enhances communication and literacy skills among young people from diverse cultures and faith traditions in order to deepen their understanding of themselves and their community.
Ultimately, ArtWell aims to reduce violence and increase peace within our city and region. Founded in 2001 as the Arts and Spirituality Center, ArtWell has responded to the chronic community violence in Philadelphia by introducing a preventative, educational, arts-oriented approach to reach underserved communities and children and teens facing discrimination, poverty, violence and the everyday challenges of growing up.
Through their youth programs (We the Poets, The Art of Growing Up, HeartBeat, EcoArts, and MasterPeace), ArtWell has partnered with over 400 organizations and engaged with over 43,000 participants across Philadelphia.