Children's Library Resource
The following "family-friendly" selections were picked by a group of people which included representatives from the Lutheran, Presbyterian, Muslim, Jewish, Baha'i, Sikh, Mormon, and Unitarian Universalist communities.
Thank you to our Children's Library Resource selection team!
Growing Up Global, Homa Tavangar
Children Just Like Me, Anabel & Barnabas Kindersley (UNICEF)
The Empty Pot, Demi
100 Things Kids Should Know Before Confirmation, Rebecca Kirkpatrick
In God's Name, Sandy Eisenberg Sasso
Elephant in the Dark, Mina Javaherbin
Jubilee, Ellen Yeomans
Does God Have a Big Toe? Marc Gellman
Love You Forever, Robert Munsch
The Lorax, Dr. Seuss
The Giving Tree, Shel Silverstein
Let There Be Peace, Brooks Daly
God's Dream, Archbishop Desmond Tutu
We All Have a Heritage, Sandy Lynn Holman
The Little Soul and the Sun, Neale Donald Walsh
We Share One World, Jane E. Hofelt
A World of Faith, Peggy F. Stack
Child of the Civil Rights Movement, Paula Young Shelton
Listen to the Wind, Greg Mortensen
Old Turtle, Douglas Woods
The Grand Mosque of Paris, Karen Gray Ruelle
Weslandia, Paul Fleischman
Sikh Sakhis