Kun-Yang Lin Dancers (KYL/D)
1316 S 9th St, Philadelphia, PA 19147
(267) 687-3739
Kun-Yang Lin / Founding Artistic Director
Katie Moore Derkits/Executive Director
Ken Metzner / Board President ken@kyld.org
Website: www.kyld.org
KYL/D (Kun Yang Lin / Dance) is a dance company that has been recognized as a Zone of Peace by the Religious Leaders Council of Greater Philadelphia. The mission of KYL/D is to blend spiritual exploration and mindfulness with pressing issues of the day, such as immigration, violence against the LGBT community, and tension between religions, while at the same time working with individuals to promote growth, self-awareness, and group understanding.
Teaching self-awareness and bringing students and the public to awareness of the value of peace and beauty is transformative to those who might otherwise “react rather than respond.” Bringing immigrants from different countries together, and people from different faith traditions together, and those with different political goals and cultural values together to collaborate creatively not only results in fascinating dance performances, it creates community among those who previously have seen one another with fear and suspicion. With each performance, the leadership and members of the dance troupe continue to enhance their own lives, becoming more powerful exemplars of peace within and peace with one another.
KYL/D addresses the tensions that divide people and lead to violence, and does so in exemplary ways. KYL/D is creating peace-making and community building through beauty and the practice of an art. The recognition of KYL/D as a Zone of Peace communicates the potential of the arts to be an effective means to address the root causes of violence.