Muslims Serve
12271 Townsend Rd, Philadelphia, PA 19154
Phone: (833)-486-4370
Postal Address: Muslims Serve, 3000 Chestnut Street, PO Box 7263, Philadelphia, PA 19104
Abdellah Abdul-Qawi, Executive Director
Every Sunday morning and the third and fourth Saturdays of every month, Muslims Serve provides hundreds of meals to grateful beneficiaries in Philadelphia and Camden. The food is prepared in West Philadelphia and distributed at 12 different Muslim Community Centers. The Executive Director, Mr. Abdellah Abdul-Qwai, is the only paid staff member, but is ably assisted by a board and dozens of volunteers. The meals are delicious and nutritious; and bring together families and neighbors for conversation which strengthens their relationships and builds their sense of responsibility for one another.
With the help of Temple University’s Medical Students and Faculty clinic, called Al-Shifa, Muslims Serve is able to sponsor a free health clinic offering blood pressure screenings, glucose screening, podiatry, optometry, and general medical examinations at its sites throughout the year. Each site also strives to uplift the community in which it is located with education, mentoring, job postings, prayer, and hospitality. This organization addresses the root causes of violence: hunger, alienation, poverty, and illness. It is exemplary in the quality of service rendered and in the infectious spirit of its executive director and volunteers: they do their work with joy, dignity, generosity, compassion, and love for all members of the community – with no exceptions.