Reformed Church of the Ascension
1700 W. Main St.
Jeffersonville, PA 19403
Dwayne A. Mosier, Pastor
(610) 539-1693
The Reformed Church of the Ascension was nominated to become recognized by Zones of Peace for developing and applying a congregation-wide “behavioral covenant” and for engaging in the process to become an “Open and Affirming” (lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender – friendly) congregation. The behavioral covenant, collectively developed by members of the congregation, has set the tone for active, respectful dialogue in all aspects of the Church –from adult education class to coffee-hour conversation and Open and Affirming process meetings.
The congregation is committed to being a “safe place” for all people, including people with special needs and their families, people in the LGBTQ community, and people of every race and national identity. It continues to seek creative ways to accomplish this goal. In addition, the church has established a scholarship within the Norristown Area High School to support a student who works with the Gay Straight Student Alliance to promote understanding and respect within the school and wider community.